Toni Karvonen


I am an Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics working at Lappeenranta–Lahti University of Technology LUT in Lappeenranta, Finland.

My research focuses on uncertainty quantification and model misspecification in numerical analysis, statistical modelling, and machine learning. I want to understand how using a wrong model affects the reliability of uncertainty quantification in order to develop robust and data-efficient numerical and statistical methods. I am particularly interested in models and methods that make use of positive-definite kernels, such as Gaussian process regression and radial basis function interpolation. Topics that I currently work on include

See my full list of publications and my Google Scholar profile.

Research group

We are part of the Applied Mathematics Research Unit in the Department of Computational Engineering at LUT University. We are also part of the FAME Flagship of Advanced Mathematics for Sensing, Imaging and Modelling funded by the Research Council of Finland.


